Pinterest: Get Hooked!

May 25, 2012
By: Jamie Epstein

You have to live under a rock at this point to have never heard about the relatively new website Pinterest. Although you have may heard about it in passing however, do you actually know what this site is all about and the many super cool things you can use it to complete?

According to the company’s website, its goal is to “connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they find interesting. We think that a favorite book, toy, or recipe can reveal a common link between two people. With millions of new pins added every week, Pinterest is connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests.”

In line with that novel objective, this site acts a virtual pinboard in which users can save things that appeal to them from all over the Web in one central location. Planning a wedding, redecorating your brand new house or just attempting to somewhat categorize your overwhelming, bursting at the seams recipe book into sections? Use Pinterest do all of this and more!

It’s no secret that viewing different pictures can drive inspiration and that in itself is a major motive behind the creation of this one-of-a-kind website. For those of us out there who aren’t completely tech savvy (like me), don’t fear because this creative solution can be used with ease.

First, you need to fully comprehend what a “pin” is. A pin is an image that can be simply added to Pinterest from any website or it can be uploaded from your computer. Each pin that has been added to your account then hyperlinks back to the site it was taken from.  On the other hand, a board is defined as a bunch of pines that are related—and the amount of pins per board is unlimited.

The only thing kind of tricky about this website is that currently you need to receive an invitation to become a member. So, be sure to stick like glue to arts and crafts lovers who surround you or you can even take action into your own hands and request an invite from Pinterest directly. After you receive the coveted invite, you then can register within minutes via Facebook (News - Alert) Connect or connect through Twitter.

If you lose interest at any time and no longer want to be part of this growing community, it is just as painless to deactivate your account just by clicking your user name, selecting Edit Profile, and checking Delete Account. It is important to note here that you need to be completely sure you are done using Pinterest before using this option because once you choose to delete your account all your craftiness will be lost forever.

Get your creative juices flowing by leveraging this website and prepare yourself for any upcoming event. Just think, on the day your Prince Charming finally appears, your wedding will be all set. Or the day you finally sign the papers to purchase your dream home, you will know what type of wallpaper you want in each and every room.

Edited by Amanda Ciccatelli

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