Putting Your Best Face Forward on Facebook Post Graduation

June 28, 2012
By: Stefanie Mosca

Social networks: They’re all fun and games until someone doesn’t get hired. The Generation Y graduates just ending their college careers and entering the workforce for the first time include a group of kids practically raised by the Internet. So it’s no surprise that as these post grads begin the journey of their careers, the importance of cleaning up their social network profiles is more significant than ever.

In your adolescence, you may not have thought twice about posting those drunken pictures from the night before or updating your status to complain about your supervisor at the restaurant you were working at, but if you are serious about landing your first job out of college, it’s time to smarten up.

It may not have crossed your mind, but sites like Facebook (News - Alert) can actually come back to bite you. This year alone a number of reports have surfaced calling attention to the practice of employers checking on employee’s social identities; some even going as far as requesting Facebook passwords. As social networks virtually create an online presence for their users, these sites are providing employers with an archive to pull from that has never before existed in the professional environment.

If you’re ready to clean up your social act, Pendaflex has created a solution that not only helps you to eliminate any inappropriate content that may be living on your Facebook page, but also makes the process as quick and painless as can be.

The Pendaflex Tag Tamer is a free application that streamlines the process of managing unwanted photos using an advanced search function that is faster and more user-friendly than Facebook's default method. Tag Tamer lets users search for photos by month and year as well as by others tagged in the same photo. Rather than scrolling through your timeline, a one-click search gathers all photos meeting your search criteria in one easy-to-see window. Users can readily view all photos, removing any unprofessional, outdated, or embarrassing images.

Ricky DeMaio, community manager at Pendaflex shared that the main driver before Pendaflex creating Tag Tamer was to establish the Pendaflex name to Generation Y by providing a valuable service to them.

“Everyone who goes to college is tagged in so many photos. And many of these photos are not exactly work appropriate. But with Facebook's shift to Timeline (News - Alert), these photos are much easier to find on users' profiles.  This means that potential employers can also see these photos very easily.  Tag Tamer is an easy and effective way to create a more professional profile for users who are job hunting,” DeMaio said.

Tag Tamer only caters to Facebook users at the moment, but in the near future PendaFlex intends to continue to make its mark on the social world by perfecting and engaging in other social sites such as Facebook and Twitter (News - Alert). According to DeMaio, PendaFlex recently started a TwitterChat called #ClutterChat, which is currently the only organizing based TwitterChat out there.


Edited by Juliana Kenny

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