The Amazing High Technology Movies of 2013: Giant Robots to Zombies

January 03, 2013
By: Rob Enderle

2012 was kind of a sad year for movies for me.   I’d waited most of my life for John Carter. The Mars books that formed the foundation for that movie got me hooked on books in the first place, and while I loved the movie, it did poorly at the box office, suggesting it won’t be a series.   The Hobbit was another early favorite, but it reversed the Lord of the Rings mistake which was too much story and too little film and turned what would have been a good two-hour movie into what will be a nine-hour, three movie test of attention span.   The Avengers and Skyfall stand out in that the first hit me just as I’d hoped it would and the second returned the James Bond franchise to its earlier deeper toots resetting the franchise.   Both did very well.

In 2013, there are some amazing movies coming that I’m not so patiently waiting for.  

Pacific Rim: Or “How I Kicked Godzilla’s Ass”

The first movie is Pacific Rim, the title of which sounds like either a World War II movie or some kind of romantic drama. It is neither. Instead it features giant robots doing battle with giant monsters.   The robots have a retro-modern feel to them approaching Steampunk, and the action looks amazing. It’s kind of like Iron Man meets Godzilla and beats the holy crud out of him. Watch the trailer here.

Man of Steel: Superman with a Batman edge

Superman movies have generally sucked to varying degrees. Not a one of them really was as good as the best Batman films. This one looks to take on the challenge and it has the serious approach one of the longest lasting and iconic super heroes deserves.   What really makes Superman interesting is, unlike most superheroes who put on a costume to become the hero, Superman is a hero who puts on a costume to appear human. This one looks really good. Watch the trailer here

Star Trek: Spock BBQ

Actually the title is “Into Darkness,” but the trailer suggests that the movie opens with Spock getting cooked -- well done -- in lava (I’m guessing there is a cliffhanger save or this is going to be one short series). This Star Trek reboot is growing on me, and it is rising to the level of the first movie series after it got less serious and before Shatner tried directing (really a bad idea). I particularly like the scene of the Enterprise doing a belly flop. Catch the trailer here.

Brad Pitt vs. the Zombies

I actually think my title is better than the one they picked, World War Z (Z for Zombies, get it)? But it is actually a Brad Pitt vehicle where Brad kicks some zombie butt.   I would totally see Brand Pitt vs. the Zombies (particularly if they started the movie with one of those screwy Pitt Channel No. 5 ads).   See the trailer here

Oz: With Balls

Actually the name is Oz: The Great and Powerful. Even before the Mars books, my grandmother used to read me the Oz books and the movies really didn’t capture the wonder of those books like this movie might. However, this one does look to be a bit darker more like the latter books in the series and focuses a bit more on Oz himself.  This one could be truly great, with dark and light witches and Oz has a bit of a love life. It looks truly epic.   I particularly like that they haven’t given Oz any powers other than his modern (for the times) skills and he still kicks witch butt.   Watch the trailer here

Wrapping Up:   2013

It is always great to have at least one movie every year to look forward to and I’ve found several I’m anticipating for 2013. One of the most anticipated is Ender’s Game., a story of a kid who turns out to be a galactic strategist. There’s no real trailer yet (though a number of fan fake trailers have hit the Web),   but this one is also looking good. That takes us into November of 2013 and, assuming we still have money for movies by then, or even if we don’t (eating is overrated) it should be a great year to flex the imagination. And just be thankful I’m not the guy naming the movies.  

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