Shakira's Belly Don't Lie, Hosts Virtual Baby Shower to Raise Funds for Children in Need

January 16, 2013
By: Allison Boccamazzo

In a truly inspirational and admiring piece of news, Columbian singer-songwriter and newest addition to hit variety show, “The Voice,” Shakira, who is mostly well known for her insane hip moving action, is broadcasting a charitable cause that celebrates both the life of her unborn son and needy children across the globe.

When rumors started swirling about Shakira’s possible pregnancy, many were delighted for the 35 year-old musician, but when she officially confirmed it a few weeks ago, we were thrilled. Now, Shakira and her 25 year-old soccer-star boyfriend Gerard Pique are joining forces with UNICEF, or the United Nations Children’s Fund, to host a virtual baby shower to help those in need.

The shower invitation explains that “to celebrate the arrival of our first child, we hope that, in his name, other less privileged children in the world can have their basic needs covered through gifts and donations.”

US Weekly reported today that fans can interact and join the couple’s online baby shower by visiting their virtual living room, where they can then purchase “Inspired Gifts,” serving as life-saving items distributed to children in need. Upon purchasing the gift, donors will receive a personal thank you message from the couple.

Gift options include a $5 mosquito net, a $10 polio vaccine, a $37 baby-weighing scale or $110 therapeutic food that nourishes underfed or sickly children.

It’s truly remarkable to see just how much videoconferencing and live streaming services have exploded onto the scene, so much so that it can encourage a superstar’s fans to give to the less fortunate worldwide in celebrating new life. While videoconferencing solutions have grown to provide amazing and transformative effects on business operations and growth, it’s even more refreshing to see how it can be applied to a generous, worthy cause calling for some well-needed fundraising.

"Every expectant parent around the world shares all the same hopes and dreams for their children that we do," Shakira concludes, "Yet many don’t share the same opportunities. Together we know we can change that."Together with the help of advanced video conferencing technology, we can truly make an impact worldwide.

Edited by Amanda Ciccatelli

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