Google's Project Glass Is Underway

January 21, 2013
By: Ashley Caputo

Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google (News - Alert), was photographed in New York City’s subway wearing the most talked about glasses in the world.

Since the Google Project Glass demo at Google I/O 2012, people all around the world could not wait for the release of the Back to the Future themed glasses.   The technological capabilities were revealed in a packed demo that involved a live video stream of a skydiver’s flight that came straight from the Google glasses.

Google has sparked a new technological invention for the future, and companies all around the world are going to begin creating its own products to join the competition. With rumors surrounding Apple and Microsoft’s (News - Alert) own project glass launch, it seems that Google’s pair is just the beginning of a new revolution.   

The glasses are simple, with clear lenses and a silver frame around the top and the sides. On the right eye there is a thicker silver border that holds the tiny computer screen at the edge of the field of vision, resembling X-Men’s Cyclops’s own pair of visors.

The glasses provide a way for people to record action-packed experiences, like extreme sports, where you can stream the videos live. You can also search the web, check text messages, watch online videos and post photos, all from your right eye’s field of vision.

The glasses are still being tested, as we see with Brin’s experiment on the subway, which proved to be difficult with the lack of a wireless network underground that is needed to feed information about a scene, based on location and Google search data.

The glasses will be available later this year, but only for develops and at cost of $1500.

For more information about Project Glass, click here.

Edited by Carlos Olivera

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