Why Users Choose to Pheed Social Media

March 22, 2013
By: Ashley Caputo

With so many ways to connect us to old and new friends, it’s getting difficult for people to choose whether they want to use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Skype, FaceTime or Spotify (News - Alert), and the list continues (and at this point in time, it might not end).

The latest creation to add to that list is Pheed, an app that allows users create and share texts, photos, videos, audio, music, voice-note and live broadcast, which basically umbrellas all the other social media networks under one platform. Recently Pheed became the No. 1 free social networking app in Apple’s (News - Alert) store, surpassing big giants in the industry like Twitter and Facebook for more than a week. Let’s see why.

Since Facebook’s earliest beginnings, the world of social media has changed dramatically, with more intricate and technology heavy levels of communication. A simple text message on a friend’s wall no longer suffices a user’s attention, as users can tag (News - Alert), upload videos and photos, tweet or even share music on Spotify. Now, there are so many social media platforms available that users are forced to multitask between each, whether they are uploading a photo on Instagram or a new thought on Twitter (News - Alert), as each entity has its own specific purpose.

With so many applications available there is a demand for a multimedia platform that captures all of these innovations in one place in order to retain the attention of the user, which is why Pheed has become one of the most coveted social media app among teenagers. Not only does it have the basic element that Facebook (News - Alert) fostered so long ago, but it combines the elements art and music as well.

A reason Pheed is so popular with teenagers is because their favorite celebrities have moved toward this platform thanks to its stringent copyright features.  It was only a few months ago that Instagram issued a change in its privacy policy and terms of service because of increased notoriety in the social media world. The new regulations informed users that any photos uploaded onto Instagram can be used for its own financial gains for commercial purposes.

Pheed takes these copyright rules to heightened levels as it provides a system that allows users to watermark the photos and videos they share on its network, giving celebrities and teenagers the ability to protect the information that they choose to publish. The watermarks feature creates a line of gray text with the username on the photo itself, and if someone were to download the photo the text would remain. It also offers copyright disclaimers around audio and text updates that allow users to set prices for access to content and live streams on the Pheed pages.

As the social media world begins to raise the bar for innovation and consumer protection, users have begun to flock to the most multimedia heaving platforms that they can find, and currently the favorite choice is Pheed. Just as quickly as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram rose to fame so has Pheed and we will continue to see more outlets join them as each new innovation brings more depth to the industry.

For more information about Pheed, click here.

Edited by Rachel Ramsey

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