The Majority of Instagram Users are Young, Amateur 'Tech-Challenged' Professionals

March 25, 2013
By: Allison Boccamazzo

Today, BuzzFeed posted a very interesting infographic originally published by Marketo (News - Alert) titled, “What Your Instagram Filter Says About You.” As it turns out, the mobile app that allows the average Joe to become an amateur photographer and transforms your breakfast into a work of art can now detail what kind of person you are based on what kind of photos you snap and share. Among its 100 million monthly active users, 40 million photos taken every day and 1,000 comments per second, the question is: where do you fit in?

The infographic makes it very easy to see just who uses this app, where today’s youth users and young professionals battled to take the cake as the app’s main demographic. However, teens to young adults reigned supreme as the app’s main user-base, boasting a solid 34 percent – specifically, between the ages of 18-24. Meanwhile, anyone between the ages of 25-34 trailed closely behind with 33 percent of the total app’s users. Following that was one-fifth being tweens and teens aged 12-17, and then 13 percent aged from 35-54.

 Also, women outrank men when using Instagram by 10 percent (55 percent to 45 percent).

So how are Instagram users categorized? In quite the variety of ways, including:

These are just the top five types of Instagram users. If you fit into any of the above, congratulations you now know your Instagram pseudonym! If not, then you’re a much rarer breed, and therefore, must check out the infographic in full by clicking here.

Edited by Ashley Caputo

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