In Desktops There's a Shocking Twist: Apple Overtakes Dell on Christmas Wishlists

December 05, 2013
By: Steve Anderson

The “post-PC era” has brought with it plenty of debate as people begin to wonder if the mobile device may be the next major platform from which people live, work and play—as opposed to the desktop. But then, a new study emerged from Parks Associates that made it clear that Apple (News - Alert) wasn't just taking over the entire concept of technology with the post-PC era; it was also looking to take over the PC market as well, by being the brand most intended for desktop purchases as well.

According to the Parks Associates (News - Alert) study, for the first time ever, Apple topped the list of intended brands in desktop purchasing, beating out Dell, who had previously held the top rank in both 2011 and 2012. Apple had been on something of an upward trend since 2011, taking the third slot that year, and then the second slot in 2012, taking over for Hewlett-Packard (News - Alert). Now, it's the top of the heap, at least among the 2,500 households surveyed as part of the Parks Associates survey. Apple also holds the top slot in tablets—the same as it's done for the two years preceding—and in laptops, a feat it's only managed to repeat once. Interestingly, while the Kindle came in second on the tablet list, it's first on the e-reader list, proving that Amazon's brand is still fairly potent when it comes to the Kindle department.

But the survey didn't stop there; it also noted that Apple TV has been the top ranked device in streaming media, at least by desire. But when it comes to making purchases, most ultimately turn to a Roku box instead. 34 percent of shoppers between 18 and 34 said that an Apple TV was the most desirable item in that field, while 15 percent specifically planned to buy a Roku box. But when time came to write the check, so to speak, only 24 percent actually bought an Apple TV, while 29 percent turned to the Roku box. This is leading some to wonder if, just because people are wanting an Apple, said people may ultimately decide to get a Dell (News - Alert) instead.

It may well prove to be one of those cases where the spirit is willing but the wallet is weak, so to speak, and people are interested in Apples but discover that the price tag (News - Alert) is fairly substantial. Thus, said interested parties fall back to plan B and find the Dell's price structure much more to taste. Reasonable enough, if the kind of thing that really won't be clear until a few weeks after Christmas has finally settled down into memory in order to make clear.

Still, it is interesting to note that the company that was supposed to destroy the desktop computer is now the most sought-after breed of desktop computer, proving that on at least some level, irony is still alive and well. While only time will tell if desire bears out into action, the chances that Apple will see some expanded holiday sales on desktops are still surprisingly sound.

Edited by Alisen Downey

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