Hotel Wi-Fi Test Introduces Speed Prediction Algorithm

July 24, 2014
By: Clayton Hamshar

Hotel Wi-Fi Test is a company that specializes in collecting, analyzing, and distributing data about the quality of Wi-Fi in hotels around the world. Its main function is to perform comprehensive speed tests for various hotels and centralize this information in a database, which is then made available to travelers. However, the company has by no means managed to collect data for every hotel in the world so they have introduced a state-of-the-art machine learning algorithm to provide the best estimate possible for those that have yet to be tested.

The algorithm utilizes information from the database and weighs a variety of other factors in order to give the most accurate prediction possible. These factors include geographical location, the trends of specific hotel chains, other features in a hotel that may affect Wi-Fi performance and many others. The company claims that the system is like an evolved version of the system an experienced traveler may use when determining the best hotel to choose, but benefits from a mass of experiences and tests as opposed to limited personal experiences.

On Hotel Wi-Fi Test’s websites, almost every hotel in the world has either results from a formal test or predictions made using the algorithm. The hotels that are still just estimates are clearly marked to emphasize that they are not as accurate as those that have been tested. The website features a searchable interface with an accompanying “speed map” that displays the data in a more visually comprehensible manner.

The company is making strong efforts to expand the data that is backed up with test results, hoping to one day have a database so comprehensive that the algorithm is rendered useless. Until then, it is intended to fill the gaps and ensure the service is as useful as possible to travelers.

Edited by Maurice Nagle

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