CIOs Increase Expectations of Performance Management Solutions In 2015

December 19, 2014
By: TMCnet Special Guest
Srinivas Ramanathan, CEO and founder eG Innovations

The role of the modern CIO is being reinvented, today’s CIOs must be aligned with business initiatives for productivity, growth and profit to be successful. This is in addition to core initiatives such as supporting the successful adoption and implementation of emerging technologies, driving continued improvements in operational efficiency and end user experience. It is for those reasons we believe CIOs will seek to achieve the following in 2015;

For CIOs to achieve these goals they will need universal insight across the enterprise and timely, correlated information that enables data driven decision making. 2015 will be a very interesting year as CIO thought leaders seek to improve the end user experience and enhance productivity within the enterprise.

About the Author: Srinivas Ramanathan is CEO and founder of eG Innovations. Prior to eG Innovations, he was a senior research scientist at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Palo Alto (News - Alert), California. Srinivas has extensive experience in Internet technologies, performance monitoring and management, and multimedia systems. He has co-authored more than forty technical papers and has been a co-inventor of 14 US patents. Srinivas has a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of California, San Diego and a Masters in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India. 

Edited by Maurice Nagle

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