How Enhanced Connectivity Benefits Analytics and Big Data

March 29, 2017
By: Lindsey Patterson

The full scope of impact and number of ways that big data analytics have helped to shape the world of business can be difficult to imagine. The falling costs and more sophisticated technology driving today's smart devices and equipment that utilizes a wireless or digital connection has given rise to the Internet of Things (IoT) which has tremendous potential to benefit data analytics. Automated data generation and curation can enhance the efficiency of big data analytics and ensure that more abundant sources of information may be utilized in order to discover underlying patterns or identify important trends.

How Businesses Utilize Big Data

Potential benefits of data analysis include enhanced marketing potential, the ability to improve overall efficiency as well as the means to track and quantify any changes made to a business’s everyday operational process. Large and small businesses alike are relying on the insight and awareness that big data analytics is able to provide in order to make more effective decisions. From targeting the right marketing demographic to fine-tuning existing workflow processes, data analysis efforts that produce valuable insight are playing an increasingly important role in ensuring that businesses and organizations are able to take effective action or make superior decisions. The equipment, resources and devices that comprise the IoT can enhance the value of big data analysis efforts by providing information sets that are more accurate, more complete and more easily assembled or organized.

Smart-devices and Enhanced Automation

Even simple mechanical automation may allow businesses to enhance efficiency while curbing overhead costs. Smart office machines, wirelessly connected fleet vehicles and even sophisticated point-of-sale terminals may all provide the means to automate the data generation and collection efforts that are essential to any analysis or audit. The means to automate major aspects of big data analytics while also providing staff and employees with the tools and resources they need to optimize efficiency and performance can transform the way that businesses gather, collect and organize essential data sets. The IoT is making it easier than ever to perform a comprehensive or in-depth analysis regarding almost any aspect of current operations or future aspirations.

Crafting the Right Workflow Process

Not every aspect of operations may benefit from automation and equipment upgrades that provide enhanced connectivity. In order to derive the most benefit from data analytics, automation and smart devices, businesses would do well to take stock of their current needs and identify any areas that may require further attention or improvement. Purchasing resources that may under-perform or that fail to provide an effective return of investment can often be a costly misstep, one that may place greater strain on financial resources than many businesses would have expected.

Selecting the Best Resources

The devices that comprise the IoT may utilize a seemingly endless range of features and performance options which can make it difficult to determine which options may be of the most benefit in terms of big data analytics. A good rule of thumb is to focus on resources that may be used to ensure data generation and analysis are performed with greater speed, efficiency or accuracy. Screen scraping applications that make it easier to collect information from multiple sources and smart devices that can generate information-dense reports automatically are just two examples of the types of resources that may be of greater benefit.

Future Trends to Watch

Failing to keep up with the latest developments, changes and trends within the realm of big data could quickly become a major limitation. Technological advances can occur very rapidly and businesses that are serious about finding and utilizing the best resources and solutions would do well to stay informed. Learning more about the latest developments and the most anticipated new technology can ensure organizations are able to keep pace with any changes that may be just over the horizon.

Edited by Alicia Young

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