Modern Moms Shaping Influence

July 19, 2018
By: Maurice Nagle

Everyone knows Mom knows best. The internet is enabling a new era in sharing, and sparking a more enlightened, communal shopping experience. Mommy blogs changed the game, credited with a boom in influencer marketing and offering Moms everywhere the ability to always know best when it comes to online shopping.

This is really only the beginning. Technology is taking the inadequacies of eCommerce and advertising, and turning them on their heads to deliver a shoppable world prepared to reward Moms everywhere for their efforts.

Having a newborn is not easy for first time parents, and many new parents lean on friend and family for guidance. What car seat to buy, sleep training assistance, maybe some tips on potty training. Technology is offering a way to deliver insight into what super Moms everywhere are using, and within seconds purchase completed, and the baby’s new high chair is on the way.

Children grow up, needs evolve, so over time experienced moms gain influencer equity as a trusted resource when it comes to seeking out products and services. Mommy blogs may begin with discussing the best deals on diapers or the most highly rated pack and play but move into topics like car shopping, prom dresses or laptops. Parents listen to other parents.

As Mommy’s of the world unite through content, ideas converge. Favorite products are pushed to the front of the line, and each purchase is informed, saving the headaches of hunting down Adele’s gown or your neighbor’s patio furniture.

This is more than simply helping shopping efforts. Those joining the mCart marketplace can create different mCarts for different occasions, offering inspiration for outfits and driving purchase. Once created, mCarts can be shared with the community, inviting friends to share ideas and shop together. Start following other mCarts – from your favorite blogger to the other ladies in your mommy and me group – and, with the Mavatar blockchain-based technology begin to get rewarded for your influence.

Edited by Maurice Nagle

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