How Millennials Get More Done During the Workday

July 01, 2019
By: Special Guest
Juan Vittori

Millennials are clearly becoming the most productive members of society. Since they have grown up with the internet, most are old enough to remember what life was like without it, but have learned to use it every step of the way. Now, as more millennials go into their careers, they are getting more work done than those before them. While there are a few reasons for this, one thing is clear. We should make technology our friend, not an impediment.

Utilize Technology

Millennials are masters at making their lives easier with technology. Use the tools of the modern world, you will able to get more done and move on to other things in your life. First, utilizing an online tool for meeting room booking, you will be able to keep everyone in the loop about when meetings are, how long they will last, and what will happen during them. These online resources not only help you get organized, they enable your team to know minute-to-minute what has changed and what will need to get done.

Another way to utilize technology is to use digital calendars and reminders. Keeping a detailed list of things to do, important dates, and reminders will facilitate your day-to-day and keep you on task. It used to be that a paper calendar book was the only way to keep track of your plans, now you can update constantly and send your schedule to important people.

You should also use technology to keep contact with employees and peers. Things change quickly in the modern world, and staying in touch can make all the difference when it comes to performing tasks that have been pushed back or moved up.

Take Breaks from it

As important as technology is to modern productivity, it is also essential to take a break from it. The most successful millennials understand this. Growing up the technology, the most efficient people of this generation take time to detox from technology. It is also actually more productive to answer all of your e-mails, texts, and other messages at once, then put the phone away for dinner and other activities.

Not only is this more productive in the moment, taking a break and resting your eyes will recharge your batteries. Take a walk without your phone, leave your device at the office when you are going to lunch, and charge your phone away from your bed. Don’t allow technology to become your foe, make sure it remains your friend.

Make the Office Environment Fun

Some of the most successful young companies have built their success by cultivating positive environments where their employees can take these kind of breaks. More than just making technology accessible and not letting it control you, it is necessary to make the atmosphere of your space creative and productive. Managers should offer coffee, tea, and snacks in conference and break rooms. On-site exercise facilities can really help clear your employees’ minds.

Encouraging breaks is key. It is not efficient to allow your staff to burn out. When someone is having trouble focusing, they should do something that will help them return to the work at their most productive.

Modernize the Workspace

If the company takes steps to modernize the work space, your staff will respond. Employees like exciting developments. In the modern world, money is in innovation and innovation is exciting. People work hard for things they believe in. If you work to create a product that will excite customers, your employees will be enthusiastic as well.

There are many ways that millennials are changing the workspace and becoming the most productive generation yet. The key is to make your environment work for you. Practicing these simple principles and more, you will be able to become more productive.

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