The Best 5 Ways To Prioritize Your Main Content With JQuery

September 18, 2019
By: Special Guest
Anastasia Stefanuk

jQuery has been around since 2006 - yet, the framework has never lost its relevance. In 2019, top sites like Amazon and eBay still use the library for UI optimization. Google (News - Alert) relies on jQuery to empower its informational pages. 

The main reason developers and IT outsourcing firms use jQuery is to write less code and have more flexibility in managing HTML. It helps startup managers build products faster and get interfaces off the ground in no time.The library improves event handling, as well as animation. In the post, you’ll find out about the tips for a jQuery programmer that improve content prioritization. 

What is jQuery?

jQuery -  is programming language or not? By definition, jQuery is a complex library, with dozens of features and components. Using the framework, developers benefit from CSS (News - Alert) manipulation tools, HTML/DOM management, and event handling, as well as animation and Ajax utilities. 

It doesn’t take much to get started in jQuery. The basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are enough to get a beginner started. The library inherits the syntax from JS, there are no new rules to learn. Coding in jQuery is simple and straightforward - it takes a few lines of code to implement complex UI features. 

What Is jQuery Used For?

jQuery is known for flexibility and the ability to blend with the existing code. As a result, the library has countless applications for websites and WPAs. Here’s a short rundown on jQuery’s common use cases. 

1. Plugins

jQuery developers can use third-party methods along with an existing JavaScript file to create compelling visual effects in the blink of an eye. Plugins help business managers develop layouts, improving navigation, and integrating advanced algorithms like face recognition into the page. 

Here are the examples of handy jQuery plugins:

2. Ajax support

jQuery is a powerhouse in terms of interacting with Ajax technology. The library has a wide selection of and special effects and makes working as an animation jQuery programmer easy and straightforward. 

Developers prefer jQuery over other libraries for its ability to improve the interactivity of a website without overcomplicating the code. 

3. DOM Manipulation

jQuery logical programming has a variety of methods for creating, deleting, and manipulating DOM elements. Here are the most popular commands the library provides website managers with:

This is not the definite range of DOM-related commands in jQuery - a remote development team can perform all the manipulations within the structure in a few click’s time. 

4. Event handling

Working with events in jQuery is easier than in any other framework. For one thing, there’s a binding-unbinding function that saves developers a ton of time - you will be able to handle dozens of elements at once. 

Also, the Abstraction feature gives programmers a possibility to create event implementations for different browsers - such a tool is unique to jQuery. 

Altogether, working with events in jQuery is times more hassle-free than accessing them via DOM. 

Benefits of Using jQuery For Prioritizing Content

The library offers web designers tools and a productive jQuery application development experience they wouldn’t be able to get with a custom library or raw JS code. If you are looking for a framework to handle prioritizing content, jQuery is the right choice. Here’s why:


5 Ways to Prioritize Content With jQuery

Organizing content (blog posts, search results, etc.) is the cornerstone of comfortable website navigation. Prioritizing and organizing the elements of the page helps developers ensure that a user will pay attention to the key components, instead of focusing on secondary content. 

With jQuery, developers have more than a handful of methods for content organization. Here are the top five ways to prioritize main elements over secondary. 

1. Sort the HTML markup

If you’re building a product reel or a search result page, you might want to have the products or links show up in a fixed order. Making an HTML markup sortable takes no time - yet, it exponentially improves the user experience. To do that, add Item [item_number] before the </li> tag (News - Alert)

2. Use functions to parse the markup

Another way to prioritize page content is by using the following arguments to filter the items from the directory.

3. Lazy loading

To make sure that website users see the crucial page elements even under a slow connection speed, use the lazy loading feature. It helps developers prioritize high-priority content over less significant elements. Lazy loading is usually used to preload the eye-stopper images of the page. 

4. Defer secondary JavaScript interactions until the main blocks are loaded

Taking control over the order in which the above-the-folder content is arguably the best decision a website manager can make. It’s a recommended practice to defer the loading of JavaScript content until the text blocks are loaded. Make sure to prioritize jQuery text encoding over JS content, like social media buttons. 

5. Cache consistently

As a jQuery programmer (remote or in-house), make sure you are not reusing selectors as such a practice will lead to DOM having to track elements time and time again, killing the page speed. Caching selectors is a better practice to follow, especially for large-scale websites and web applications. 


jQuery is a framework that helps developers simplify the creation and maintenance of UI design. The library is known for versatility, straightforward syntax, and a wide range of supported browsers. 

As you learn jQuery, make sure to follow the best practices for consistent website performance. This way, you will be able to provide users with an enjoyable experience, improve the quality of scalability, and reduce the odds of tech debt. 


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