5 Tips for Remote Sales

September 08, 2020
By: Special Guest
Matt Murray

The number of people working from home has risen to about 80% throughout the past decade. With the current pandemic, the number has gone even higher. Sales reps are forced to close deals without the firm grip of a handshake. The remote sales are gradually gaining prominence, behooving sales teams to enhance their remote selling efficiency to seamlessly continue earning.

Below we have put together some expert tips for remote selling.

Have a Consistent Routine

Working remotely presents some serious distractions that would be absent in an in-office setup. As such, for you to remain productive, it is vital that you have a specific time to start and stop working, waking up time and well-scheduled breaks.

Such a routine will ensure you remain focused and meet your deadlines. Focus your energy on the right things and block off some time dedicated purely for working. During this time, no email notification, no social media, or even family time.

Also, have a specific place set up for work. It is unlikely you will be productive while working from the couch or dining room. Get a place that mimics an office where even family won't distract. This arrangement helps especially when having a virtual meeting with a prospect.

If Possible, Get Face to Face

Since it is difficult to have a physical meeting, you should use technology to plan online meetings. Zoom cloud meetings are one of the best and easiest to setup. Its functionality allows you to have productive meetings with potential clients.

You can also use other video chat platforms such as Google Hangouts, Skype, or even FaceTime (News - Alert).While using video calls, the focus should be the easiest tool to set up, affordable, and easy to configure. Before scheduling your meeting, make sure that you are well-versed with the technology along with modern selling techniques.

Be Well Prepared before the Meeting

Before planning for a virtual meeting, have all your tools ready. Open your Google document and have it ready. It is better to share documents on Google drive suite than an email back and forth.

LinkedIn (News - Alert) navigator is also an important tool to have. Any successful salesperson should have all the important details of the prospect. This knowledge assists in your pitching to remain relevant.

Set Your Smart Goals

Selling remotely may pose some challenges that may discourage you, leading to boredom. Not meeting with people physically as you are used to can make you feel like quitting.

However, you can enhance your motivation by setting smart and strategic goals. For example, you should start with the tough tasks every day of the sales process, and remain at it until you are through.

Goals ensure that you not only remain productive but also focuses. It helps you remain resilient even in the tough days.

Get into Work-Related Social Networks

You are likely to experience various hardships while selling remotely. Having a social network support team will help you navigate these murky waters, especially if you are just starting out.

Also, make it your practice to learn consistently. Learn the new trends that deliver the best results, learn about the prospect's expectations, and how best to pitch.

Selling remotely does not have to tough. With the above tips, you can interact with your prospect and even close deals online. Just continue practicing to perfect your skill.

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