Starting Custom Online T-Shirt Store: Tips To Stand Out

October 22, 2020
By: Special Guest
Martins Straume

Having a shirt that lets people know who you are is something that has been popular with both companies and individuals for years. Corporations can get their names out there with an eye-catching logo on a shirt and they can give their employees a sense of team spirit and pride. People can express their ideas and their sense of humor with such a shirt.

If you think you have a great idea for a shirt, you are not alone. You will want to make your tee shirt unique, but something that enough people will relate enough to want to buy it and wear it. There are a few simple tips for having a successful online t-shirt business.

Create a Website with a Blog

Obviously, if you are going to sell t-shirts online, you will need to create a website. But getting people to your website can be tricky. It is helpful to maintain a blog on your website that contains entertaining and informative content that is relevant to your product. Be sure to use plenty of relevant keywords when you write and keep your posts to something people can read in ten minutes or so.

Identify Your Customer

Do you have a salty sense of humor, or are your ideas more inspirational? Are you interested in making a political statement or empower a certain group of people or do you want the perfect gift for a child to give to a parent on Mother’s or Father’s Day?

Once you identify your personal style you can start figuring out who might be interested in buying your wares. You will want to narrow your market as much as possible. It is not enough to just be sarcastic or inspirational, you must gear your sarcasm to a particular audience or inspire a certain demographic group.

If your shirts are designed to inspire, you should think about who you want to motivate. Do you want to give business-women the opportunity to express their independence and power or do you want to give middle-class moms a mantra for their lives? Do you want to let people in recovery express their determination and gratitude or do you want to give patrons of the arts a way to motivate others to enjoy what they enjoy.

If you are marketing sarcastic shirts, consider that someone who is into alternative music, and cult literature might be amused by a different kind of humor than a person who wants to illustrate a proclivity for beer.

Find a Good Place to Market Your Shirts

You can actually advertise your shirts without spending a lot of money. You have probably seen posts on your Facebook (News - Alert) news feeds for various tee shirts that your friends are selling. However, it is a better idea to join groups on Facebook that are geared towards the shirt you are marketing and post the shirt to their feed.

For example, if you are marketing a shirt aimed at a certain religious group, you may want to join an online group for people of that religion and post your shirt there. If you are selling shirts that espouse a particular political philosophy, you will find plenty of groups to join where you can post your t-shirt. Be sure to check the group’s policy on such posts before you actually do this

When you tweet your shirt, you should try to use trending hashtags that are relevant to your concept. You may also want to tag (News - Alert) other like-minded Twitter members. Starting a Pinterest page for your shirt is also helpful.

Tee shirt sales are a great way to make extra money and have some fun in the process. There is virtually no overhead to starting a tee shirt business as you can have t-shirts printed and shifted as the orders come in. For more information, go to

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