How The Pandemic Has Impacted The Software Development Industry

July 27, 2021
By: Special Guest

There are several ways the pandemic has impacted the software development industry. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, many software development enterprises had to work twice as hard to keep up with the digital transformation. Even as businesses reopen, tech companies continue to see how the coronavirus has affected demands and trends across the industry. As a software development manager, you need to know how the pandemic has changed the tech landscape. This way, you can implement changes in your enterprise to keep up with the competitive market place. Read on to learn about how the pandemic has impacted the software development industry.

High Demand For Developer Talent

First, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased the demand for software development talent. According to recent data, engineering roles grew nearly 25% from 2019 to 2020 alone. Major tech companies project that digital skills will continue to remain in high demand. Indeed, experts expect about 150 million tech jobs to appear within the next five years. To meet this demand, many tech platforms are changing to low-code or no-code interfaces. Notably, this makes technical learning more accessible for individuals who want to learn programming. Of course, many developers still need to know how to code custom software to keep up with top digital trends such as artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML). Definitely, COVID-19 increased the demand for developer talent in the software industry.

The Rise Of DevOps

Next, the rise of DevOps is also impacting the software development industry through the pandemic. Notably, many companies are relying on this approach for its increased efficiency, flexibility, and speed. In addition, adopting the DevOps methodology allows developers to increase collaboration across their development and operational teams. When paired with advanced automation tools, this allows companies to accelerate their deployment speeds and increase their workload. To implement this programming model across your organization, you can enroll in DevOps online courses. For example, JFrog Academy offers several different learning paths to learn how to streamline CI/CD, repository management, and pipeline security. Absolutely, DevOps adoption during the pandemic is driving efficiency in the software development industry.

Increased Productivity

In addition, many software development companies have increased their productivity through the COVID-19 pandemic. According to recent data, productivity is up over 40% in the IT and software sectors. Notably, this is because video conferencing platforms have allowed teams to stay connected as they work remotely. Simultaneously, many developers use collaborative programming platforms to code together in real-time. In addition, many organizations have implemented project management platforms as well. Often, these make it easier to see who is working on what task and when code is ready for review. Furthermore, remote work has offered a more flexible environment employees. This allows developers to adjust their schedule to their preferences and increase their productivity. In short, the pandemic has increased productivity from remote work across the software development sector. 

AI In Mobile Applications

Moreover, the pandemic has also driven AI integration across mobile applications. Notably, many organizations are leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance backend development processes. For example, some AI tools work to review programs and automate manual tasks. Developers are also using AI for image and facial recognition tech through secure biometric authentication. In addition, many developers are leveraging AI to deliver personalized brand experiences for their clients. Indeed, nearly 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that delivers a custom experience. Since many retail stores shifted to ecommerce platforms, AI platforms are continuing to drive customer engagement and brand recognition through the pandemic. In this way, COVID-19 is pushing AI integration in mobile applications.

The Need For Cybersecurity

Furthermore, the coronavirus global pandemic has also increased the need for cybersecurity in the software development industry. With an upsurge in cyberattacks, remote companies need to protect their confidential data and programming infrastructures. When working from home, employees should install an antivirus software for their work computers. Importantly, this can eliminate many low-level attacks. In addition, development employees can use a virtual private network (VPN) to add an extra barrier against cyber attacks. Of course, in-person development agencies should ensure their WiFi (News - Alert) networks have a strong password. Undoubtedly, the pandemic has increased the need for cybersecurity as employees continue to work remotely.

There are several ways the pandemic has impacted the software development industry. First, the pandemic has increased the need for developer talent. Next, many organization are adopting the DevOps methodology to increase efficiency and accelerate deployments. In addition, the IT sector has increased overall productivity. Moreover, the pandemic is driving AI integration across mobile applications. Furthermore, cybersecurity needs are increasing, as companies continue to work remote in a post-pandemic world. Consider these points to learn about how the pandemic has impacted the software development industry.

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