Interactive Displays For Education- Here's What You Should Know

January 19, 2022
By: Contributing Writer
Cynthia LC Murphy

Undoubtedly, the amount of attention and enthusiasm kids show in their studies significantly impacts their depth of understanding and retention level. Hands down, active learning is the most effective way to educate students. It engages them with the learning material throughout the lesson, helping them pay more attention than they usually would in passive learning.

With the increasing involvement of technology in our daily lives, much has improved in various sectors. Even in the education sector, several technological tools have been developed to foster active learning, and one of those tools making the rounds today is the interactive display.

Yes, we know that an interactive display is a huge display screen (like a tablet) that offers teachers and students the opportunity to access content quickly and interact with the content via clicking, dragging, touching, writing, etc.

However, is there any possibility that some things are yet unknown? Definitely, and here are some crucial things you should know about interactive displays.

1. They Foster Teamwork and Collaboration

Today, interactive displays can be used by more than one student – at the same time. This has helped teachers set more collaborative tasks that demand collective brainstorming, teamwork, and individual competence. Students can solve challenging tasks while learning and develop a good teamwork spirit.

This helps to keep them highly involved in every part of the learning process and diversify the learning methods. Plus, when they successfully solve problems as a team, they can show the whole class in a more dynamic style, leading to increased self-confidence and courage.

2. Super Easy To Set Up and Operate

When people hear about interactive displays, they often immediately fall in love with the idea. However, as with many other tech tools, the thought of going through a rigorous setup process or needing to hire a professional puts some people off.

Luckily, interactive displays are in a completely different league. Especially with recent models, you do not need any special tech skills to get them up and running. In fact, problems like sorting through cables, calibrating projectors, and connecting PCs are entirely out of the picture as you can use these displays straight out of the box.

Interactive displays also come with built-in software and apps that make it effortless to use them right away. Plus, teachers who are unfamiliar with interactive displays require only minimal training to get the hang of it.

3. They Are Designed With Consideration for Teachers

People are quick to think interactive displays only benefit the kids. Truly, students are expected to derive greater benefits from this breathtaking technology. Nonetheless, teachers also gain so much from it. From helping them better plan lessons and disseminate information to seamlessly switch between lessons, teaching has never been more effortless yet impactful.

In fact, using interactive displays for education has now made class management a breeze for many teachers. When they're not teaching, they can simply allow the kids to watch educative videos and stay engaged, helping to reduce disruptions significantly. Additionally, a less stressed teacher tends to perform better than one who's stressed with other activities such as class management and organization.

Some core benefits of interactive displays on teaching include

4. Significantly Boosts Learning Outcomes

Not all kids learn the same way. Some may do better when they sit and read for several hours while others will rather watch or listen to lessons (visual and auditory learning). Deploying only one teaching technique will deprive many other kids of the chance to learn correctly, which will likely affect their outcomes.

With interactive displays, visual and auditory learners get the chance to optimize their potentials and skyrocket their performance. Even with those who learn best by reading, interactive displays can also help them grab information quicker. Teachers may capture and save on-screen notes and allow the students to read through them. They may even challenge the kids to memorize certain information quickly and reproduce it as a kind of leisure game. All these help boost the child's memory performance, develop critical thinking skills, and improve their learning outcomes.

5. They Offer Even Administrative Benefits

Unlike the traditional interactive whiteboards or projector-based technology, interactive displays provide huge admin benefits, helping to save time and resources. The outstanding features of these displays help the admin department manage all IT-related tasks in the learning environment effectively.

Some of the admin benefits interactive displays provide are:

Interactive displays have been shown to improve kids' engagement and minimize distractions during learning. Best of all, kids now learn in more fun and exciting ways as there are tons of video games designed to help them learn while they play. If you're wondering whether an interactive display investment will be worthwhile, don't fret. Results from several schools show that this technology is becoming indispensable due to its effectiveness and immense impact on education.

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