Docker on Windows: How to Leverage It for Your Applications

July 20, 2022
By: Contributing Writer
Albert Cooper

Docker is a technology that enables you to run applications in containers. Containers are isolated from each other and the host operating system, making them ideal for development and deployment. Docker can be used on Windows machines, and today we'll show you how to leverage it for your applications. We'll discuss what Docker is and how you can use Docker, as explained in this JFrog guide.

What Is Docker, And What Are Its Benefits For Windows Users

Docker is a containerization platform that enables you to create, deploy, and run applications in isolated environments. Containers are isolated from each other and the host operating system, making them ideal for development and deployment. Docker can be used on Windows machines to containerize your applications.

There are many benefits of using Docker on Windows, including:

  1. Isolation: as containers are isolated from each other and the host operating system, this makes for a more stable environment in which to develop and deploy your applications.
  2. Portability: you can quickly move containers from one machine to another, making it easy to scale your applications.
  3. Efficiency: because containers share the same kernel as the host operating system, they are very efficient in terms of resource utilization.

How To Install Docker On Windows?

Installing Docker on Windows is a simple process. You can either use the Docker Desktop application or the PowerShell cmdlets. We'll show you both methods here.

Docker Desktop:

  1. Download and install Docker Desktop from
  2. Once installed, open the application and click on the whale in the taskbar to start.
  3. Follow the prompts to sign in with your Docker ID and password (if you don't have a Docker ID, you can create one here).
  4. Once signed in, you should see the Docker Desktop dashboard.

PowerShell cmdlets:

  1. Install the Docker module from the PowerShell Gallery.
  2. Import the module into your current session.
  3. Run the 'docker login' command to sign in with your Docker ID and password.
  4. You should now be able to run docker commands from PowerShell.

How To Use Docker To Run Applications In Containers

Now that you have Docker installed let's try running an application in a container. We'll use the 'docker run' command to launch a container from the hello-world image.

  1. Run the 'docker run hello-world' command.
  2. This will pull the hello-world image from Docker Hub and launch a container from it.
  3. Once the container is running, you should see a message printed to the console that says, "Hello from Docker!"

Now that we've successfully run an application in a container let's look at how we can use Docker to develop our own applications.

Developing With Containers

  1. Developing your applications in containers has many benefits, including portability and isolation.
  2. To develop your application in a container, you'll first need to create a Dockerfile.
  3. A Dockerfile is a text file containing instructions for building an image.
  4. Once you have your Dockerfile, you can use the 'docker build' command to build an image from it.
  5. Launching a container from your image can use the 'docker run' command.
  6. For more information on developing with containers, check out this tutorial from Microsoft (News - Alert).

Tips And Tricks For Using Docker On Windows

  1. Use volumes to persist data: Volumes are directories that are mounted into a container. They help store application data that needs to be persisted outside of the container (e.g., database files).
  2. Use port forwarding to access applications in containers: By default, containers are not accessible from the outside world. To make them accessible, you'll need to use the 'docker run' command with the '-p' option to specify which ports to map.
  3. Use a container registry: A container registry is a service that stores and distributes Docker images. Docker Hub is a popular registry that you can use for your own images.
  4. Use Docker Compose to manage multi-container applications: Docker Compose is a tool that allows you to define and run multi-container applications. It's useful for development and testing purposes.
  5. Use Kitematic to graphical manage your containers: Kitematic is a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing Docker containers.

Tips For Optimizing Your Docker Workflow On Windows

  1. Use a text editor that supports Docker: Visual Studio Code is a popular option that has excellent Docker integration.
  2. Use a container management tool: Several tools available can help you manage your containers, including Docker Compose and Portainer.
  3. Use a CI/CD tool: Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) tools can help you automate the process of building, testing, and deploying your applications. Jenkins is a popular open-source CI/CD tool.

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