4 Easy Responsive Image Techniques

November 15, 2023
By: Contributing Writer
Gilad David Maayan

What Are Responsive Images?

Responsive images are a fundamental component in responsive web design. They adapt to the size of the user's screen, delivering the best user experience regardless of the device used or the screen's size, whether it's a desktop, tablet, or mobile. Most responsive image techniques rely on HTML and CSS (News - Alert) code.

Responsive images go beyond simply resizing the images to fit the screen. They can also consider the resolution, size, and even orientation of the device. This way, the optimal image is delivered to each user, enhancing their viewing and interaction experience.

By using responsive images, a website can deliver high-quality images that load faster and use less data, providing a seamless experience for users. Responsive images also give developers the ability to control the resolution shown to each device, ensuring that users only download the necessary data.

Why Should You Use Responsive Images?

Reduced Unnecessary Bandwidth (News - Alert) Use

Traditionally, webpages would load the same high-resolution image for all users, regardless of their device's capabilities. This meant that users with smaller screens or lower resolution devices were downloading more data than necessary, slowing down the page load times and consuming excess data.

With responsive images, the webpage can determine the size and resolution of the user's screen, and deliver an appropriately sized image. This means that users only download the necessary data, speeding up page load times and reducing data consumption.

Adapting to New Devices and Resolutions

Another advantage of responsive images is their scalability. As new devices with different screen sizes and resolutions are introduced to the market, websites need to adapt quickly. Responsive images ensure that your website is future-proofed, as they can automatically adjust to any screen size or resolution.

Regardless of whether a user is viewing your website on a 4K television, a laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone, responsive images ensure that they are seeing the best possible version of each image. This scalability means that your website will always look its best, regardless of what device a user is using.

Compatibility with High-Density Displays

Responsive images are also compatible with high-density displays. High-density displays, also known as Retina displays, have a higher pixel density than standard displays. This means that they can display more detail, making images look sharper and more vibrant.

However, to take advantage of these displays, images need to be of a higher resolution. Responsive images allow for this, as they can deliver higher resolution images to devices with high-density displays, while delivering lower resolution images to devices with standard displays.

This way, users with high-density displays can enjoy the full benefits of their device, while users with standard displays are not downloading unnecessary data. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Single Image Source (News - Alert) for Multiple Scenarios

Finally, responsive images allow for a single image source to be used for multiple display scenarios. This means that you only need to upload a single high-resolution image to your website, and the responsive image technique will take care of the rest.

For example, you might automatically create different versions of the image for different screen sizes and resolutions. This not only reduces the workload for developers, but also ensures that the correct image is always delivered to the user.

5 Easy Responsive Image Techniques

CSS Background Images

One of the easiest ways to create responsive images is by using CSS background images. This method involves setting the image as a background on a container, and then using CSS to control how it responds to different screen sizes and resolutions.

This technique only requires basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. It's also supported by all modern browsers, making it a reliable option for creating responsive images.

Here is a code example:

/* HTML */

<div class="responsive-background"></div>

/* CSS */

.responsive-background {

  background-image: url('large-image.jpg');

  background-size: cover;

  background-position: center;

  width: 100%;

  height: 200px; /* Adjust as needed */


@media (max-width: 768px) {

  .responsive-background {

    background-image: url('medium-image.jpg');



@media (max-width: 480px) {

  .responsive-background {

    background-image: url('small-image.jpg');



The above example uses media queries to serve different background images based on the screen width.

The srcset Attribute

The srcset attribute is another useful tool for creating responsive images. It allows you to specify multiple versions of an image for different screen sizes and resolutions. The browser will then choose the most appropriate version based on the user's device.

This technique is more advanced than using CSS background images, but it provides a greater level of control. It's also supported by most modern browsers, although it may not work on older versions.

Here is a code example:

<img src="small-image.jpg" srcset="small-image.jpg 480w,

                                 medium-image.jpg 768w,

                                 large-image.jpg 1024w"

     sizes="(max-width: 480px) 480px,

            (max-width: 768px) 768px,1024px"

     alt="Responsive image">

Here, srcset defines a set of images for different viewport widths, and the browser picks the most suitable one based on the current viewport width.

The sizes Attribute

The sizes attribute is used in conjunction with the srcset attribute to further refine the selection of images. It allows you to specify the layout size of the image, which the browser can use to select the most appropriate image from the srcset.

This technique is particularly useful for responsive designs, where the layout size of the image can change depending on the screen size. It's also supported by most modern browsers, although it may not work on older versions.

<img src="medium-image.jpg" srcset="small-image.jpg 480w,

                                   medium-image.jpg 768w,

                                   large-image.jpg 1024w"

     sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw,

            (max-width: 768px) 50vw,


     alt="Responsive image">

In this example, sizes helps the browser to determine which image defined in srcset to download, depending on the viewport width.

The picture Element

The picture element is a more advanced method for creating responsive images. It allows you to specify multiple source elements, each with its own media query. The browser will then select the most appropriate source based on the user's device.

This technique provides the greatest level of control, allowing you to specify different images for different screen sizes, resolutions, and even orientations. It's also supported by most modern browsers, although it may not work on older versions.


  <source media="(min-width: 1024px)" srcset="large-image.jpg">

  <source media="(min-width: 768px)" srcset="medium-image.jpg">

  <source media="(min-width: 480px)" srcset="small-image.jpg">

  <img src="fallback-image.jpg" alt="Responsive image">


The picture element allows for more granular control over which image resource to use based on the media conditions like viewport width, pixel density, etc.

In conclusion, responsive images are key to creating a smooth and engaging user experience. They adapt to the user's device, ensuring that your website always looks its best. With the techniques described in this article, you can start implementing responsive images on your own website today.

Author Bio: Gilad David Maayan

Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer who has worked with over 150 technology companies including SAP, Imperva, Samsung (News - Alert) NEXT, NetApp and Check Point, producing technical and thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership. Today he heads Agile SEO, the leading marketing agency in the technology industry.

LinkedIn (News - Alert): https://www.linkedin.com/in/giladdavidmaayan/

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