How Much is Your Twitter Account Worth?

February 22, 2012
By: Peter Bernstein

For those of you who follow my musings, it should come as no surprise that as a result of all of the privacy challenges I have been following it raised a question: If my personal profile(s) are so valuable to marketers, how much might they be worth? Believe it or not there is a way to establish at least a notion of the value of your activity, at least when it comes to Twitter (News - Alert).

One of my favorite writers, David Eisenberg, featured on, posted an item a few days ago entitled, “What Some of Boston’s Best Twitter Accounts Are Worth (And What That Says About Them),” that while fun also makes an interesting and provocative point. He turned me on to What’s My Twitter Account I will leave it at it being a very humbling experience. It says it is worth $97 and that I rank as number 8,9823 out of 331,217.   As an explanation, I am not a big tweeter. 

That said, look at the chart below to see where the all time heavy hitters rank. Included are links to their accounts if you wish to follow. 

Have some fun. Put in the names of friends, family members, colleagues, etc. 

Want to go a bit deeper? Check out, for some granularity about your activity as well as food for thought about how all of this information gets used. You might also wish to go back and peruse the item I wrote back in September about Twitter being a global mood barometer.

All of this is stated in fun, but it underscores the fact that not just our profiles are big business but the business of analyzing them is growing bigger every day with some serious ramifications. 

My advice of the day is if you get above $1,000—sell. The problem is I am not sure who the buyers might be, but if you find out let me know. Seems I have a lot of tweeting to do before I am worth something to tweet home about.

Edited by Jamie Epstein

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