TechZone360 Week in Review

August 25, 2012
By: Steve Anderson

This was, as it usually is, a busy week in terms of technology and gadgets. As such, news poured out from all sectors this week, and we brought it all right back here. With the coming of the weekend comes our Week in Review coverage, in a bid to make the huge amount of news a little more manageable, as well as provide ways to find all the best and biggest news quickly and easily.

First, we got an unusual report about the down side of improving password strength. While skeins of random numbers and letters may be the best way to secure an account, sometimes it makes the account simply too secure, locking out everyone...including the user. A recent study found that as many as 82 percent of respondents to a survey had been locked out of at least one online account due to an overly-complex password. 72 percent of them have had no other option but to "grit their teeth" through the experience, and 55 percent of those who have had to reset a password three times or more have considered leaving outright in the face of the more stringent protection.

Next, we looked again at the issue of broadband connectivity in the United States, and at the FCC's (News - Alert) recent reports saying that six percent of all United States homes do not have access to a broadband service provider reaching speeds of at least four Mbps downstream. But the report we received seemed noticeably slack on the discussion of satellite broadband access, which often provides higher speeds, especially with current advancements from several providers.

Next came the news that the Apple / Samsung (News - Alert) legal battle in the United States has gone to the jury for its newest decision. Closing arguments were made Tuesday, but projecting when the jury's response will arrive is, as yet, quite unclear. Apple (News - Alert) wants damages of $2.5 billion from Samsung for copyright infringement as well as a permanent sales ban on both Samsung smartphones and Samsung tablets.

Next came a report about the Foxconn manufacturing plants, which had previously suffered a wave of suicides and similar matters in their purview. But advances have been made, including improvements to health and safety practices as well as the total amounts of hours employees work to bring them in line with limits established by Chinese authorities. New equipment like sprinklers and eyewash stations, as well as ergonomic modifications made to employee stations, look to further improve matters.

Finally, it was earnings season for at least one company, as Dell made announcements on its third quarter sales as well as some future projections. The news wasn't good, as Dell (News - Alert) reported not only earnings below analyst estimates, but also dropped its own outlook by 20 percent. The reason behind it all was sluggish sales in the PC sector, still one of the largest part's of Dell's operations. Dell is rapidly diversifying its efforts into enterprise and software markets, but with consumers moving into more mobile hardware like tablets, it's leaving a large part of Dell's business in jeopardy.

With news coming in from all over about changes in the way companies operate, the way they make money, and the way consumers deal with them, there's always plenty of news in the technology sector that needs examining. Our global online community is constantly in the hunt for all that news, so be sure to join us back here next week for the results of all that hunting, as well as a look back at the week that was every weekend in our Week in Review coverage!

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